# Portals and Operational Features

The aspects of portals and other operational features that are addressed are:

  • User Management

  • Participant Management

  • Transaction Review

  • Settlement

  • Logging & Audit

  • Hub Management

  • Oracle Management

  • Participant Portal

  • Reporting

These functions are provided through Mojaloop's Business Operations Framework (BOF), which not only provides the core functions described here but also provides a set of APIs to allow a Hub operator to extend these portals, and create new ones, to meet their specific requirements.

The BOF channels all activity through a single Identity and Access Management (IAM) framework, which incorporates Role Based Access Controls (RBACs), giving a hub operator granular control of an individual's access to the management capabilities of the Mojaloop Hub.

Access to each of the above functions is implemented using the BOF, and is managed using the IAM and RBAC.

# User Management

These features relate to the management of the hub operator's staff using the integrated IAM module, rather than management of the service itself.

  1. Create and manage user accounts for staff of the hub operator and participants through the IAM portal.
  2. Define roles associated with access to various sub-elements of the portals.
  3. Assign roles to user accounts, defining which users have access to which features of the portals.
  4. For sensitive functions, define a maker/checker requirement, including the roles that must be held by the maker and the checker, and any restrictions.
  5. Enable/disable user accounts.
  6. Create user accounts for participants, to facilitate self service through the Participant Portal (when it is implemented).
  7. Allow a user to be a maker and a checker (but not of their own work).

Note that the Participant Portal is not yet implemented by any Mojaloop hub, and so it is not currently a requirement.

# Participant Management

Features that allow a hub operator to manage a participating DFSP (note that this is distinct from the Participant Portal).

  1. Onboarding a participating DFSP.
  2. Define and manage end-points (including specification of certificates and source IPs)
  3. Manage Participant contacts (name, email, MSISDN, role etc).
  4. Define thresholds (for notifications).
  5. Define and manage accounts for Participant by type, currency.
  6. Disable a participating DFSP (though it should not be possible to disable a DFSP with outstanding/unsettled transactions).
  7. Pause/Resume a Participant's connection.
  8. Assign/adjust liquidity (for multiple currencies), controlled with maker/checker.
  9. Assign/adjust a Net Debit Cap (NDC) for each Participant, controlled by maker/checker, to include two options for NDC: fixed value (manual adjustment after each liquidity change), or variable (as a fixed percentage of available liquidity).
  10. Restrict Participant connection to send or receive only.

# Transaction Review

The hub operator's staff need to be able to find details about a transaction, whatever its status. They are able to search by:

  • Date/time range

  • Payer or Payee DFSP (Participant)

  • Value - Mojaloop transaction ID

  • Transfer state

  • Settlement Batch ID

  • Transaction type

  • Error code

The search returns a list of all the transactions matching the search criteria, each clickable for a detailed view, which gives access to:

  • All details held by the Mojaloop Hub, grouped in a set of sub-windows to improve usability

This will include the settlement window/batch ID, which is itself clickable to allow the operator to review the settlement status of the batch and therefore the transaction itself.

# Settlement

Management of the settlement function of the Mojaloop Hub needs to be robust and reliable. The related features are:

  1. To define the settlement model to be used for the service
  2. To close a settlement window or batch either manually or automatically, according to a predefined schedule
  3. To automatically create all of the necessary settlement files for integration with settlement partner(s) when a settlement window is closed
  4. To review the positions of all Participants in the settlement window/batch
  5. Once settlement has been completed/finalised, to automatically update the positions and current available liquidity based on reports from the settlement partner(s)
  6. To provide tools to support the integration between the Mojaloop Hub and settlement partner(s).

Note that at least one settlement window or batch will always be open, and transactions will be added to the open settlement window/batch as they are processed. This means that the creation of a new settlement window is automatic when the existing settlement window is closed.

# Logging & Audit

The Mojaloop Hub provides a range of tools that support the logging and audit of operator activity, in addition to low level audit functions for the detailed analysis of transaction processing (which are defined elsewhere in this document). These tools have been developed with the requirements of both Hub operator management and external auditors in mind.

  1. All modifications arising from hub operator activity (including user management) are logged in an uneditable data store, with the operator's credentials attached

  2. "Auditor" is a default hub user role; auditors have unrestricted read access to the logs.

  3. An audit portal is available, which has Search/refine functionality available

  4. Log/audit entries include changes to Hub configuration.

# Hub Management

There are some basic requirements for the configuration of a Mojaloop Hub, defining the service that it supports.

  1. A Mojaloop Hub supports all ISO-defined currencies by default. Each is enabled for use by a particular deployment by the creation of settlement and position accounts for that currency. In support of this, there is a requirement to be able to view the balances in Hub operating accounts (settlement and position, replicated per currency supported)

  2. Add/view/delete the CA certificates needed for normal operation.

# Oracle Management

Management of the oracles used by the Account Lookup Service (ALS) for the resolution of aliases to DFSPs/Participants (and then, in collaboration with the identified DFSP, to a specific account).

  1. View the registered oracles

  2. Register an Oracle

  3. Define an endpoint

  4. Test the health of an oracle

# Participant Portal

Currently, the Mojaloop Hub does not offer a Participant Portal. Instead, this functionality is provided by another open source project, Payment Manager (https://github.com/pm4ml (opens new window)). Other tools, such as Mojaloop's Integration Toolkit, provide an API to allow DFSPs to access the same information.

# Reports

Mojaloop provides a flexible reporting engine as part of the Business Operations Framework, which allows a Hub operator's staff to design and generate a wide range of reports based on data held in Mojaloop's databases and ledgers. The Framework also supports the integration of those reports into any of the operator portals, allowing the reports to be generated as required by operations staff.

This includes the reports relating to settlement.