# Data Models

Third Party API

# Table Of Contents

  1. Preface 1.1 Conventions Used in This Document 1.2 Document Version Information 1.3 References
  2. Introduction 2.1 Third Party API Specification
  3. Third Party API Elements 3.1 Resources 3.2 Data Models 3.3 Error Codes

# 1. Preface

This section contains information about how to use this document.

# 1.1 Conventions Used in This Document

The following conventions are used in this document to identify the specified types of information.

Type of Information Convention Example
Elements of the API, such as resources Boldface /authorization
Variables Italics with in angle brackets {ID}
Glossary terms Italics on first occurrence; defined in Glossary The purpose of the API is to enable interoperable financial transactions between a Payer (a payer of electronic funds in a payment transaction) located in one FSP (an entity that provides a digital financial service to an end user) and a Payee (a recipient of electronic funds in a payment transaction) located in another FSP.
Library documents Italics User information should, in general, not be used by API deployments; the security measures detailed in API Signature and API Encryption should be used instead.

# 1.2 Document Version Information

Version Date Change Description
1.0 2021-10-03 Initial Version

# 1.3 References

The following references are used in this specification:

Reference Description Version Link
Ref. 1 Open API for FSP Interoperability 1.1 API Definition v1.1 (opens new window)

# 2. Introduction

This document specifies the data model used by the Mojaloop Third Party API ("the API").

# 2.1 Third Party API Specification

The Mojaloop Third Party API Specification includes the following documents:

# 3. Third Party API Elements

This section describes the content of the API which will be used by PISPs and DFSPs.

The content of the API falls into two sections:

  1. Transaction Patterns - Linking describes the process for linking customer accounts and providing a general permission mechanism for PISPs to perform operations on those accounts
  2. Transaction Patterns - Transfer describes the transfer of funds at the instigation of a PISP.

The API is used by the following different types of participant, as follows:

  1. PISPs
  2. DFSPs who offer services to their customer which allow the customer to access their account via one or more PISPs
  3. Auth-Services
  4. The Mojaloop switch

Each resource in the API definition is accompanied by a definition of the type(s) of participant allowed to access it.

# 3.1 Resources

The API contains the following resources:

# 3.1.1 /accounts

The /accounts resource is used to request information from a DFSP relating to the accounts it holds for a given identifier. The identifier is a user-provided value which the user uses to access their account with the DFSP, such as a phone number, email address, or some other identifier previously provided by the DFSP.

The DFSP returns a set of information about the accounts it is prepared to divulge to the PISP. The PISP can then display the names of the accounts to the user, and allow the user to select the accounts with which they wish to link via the PISP.

The /accounts resource supports the endpoints described below.

# Requests

This section describes the services that a PISP can request on the /accounts resource.

# GET /accounts/{ID}

Used by: PISP

The HTTP request GET /accounts/{ID} is used to lookup information about the requested user's accounts, defined by an identifier {ID}, where {ID} is an identifier a user uses to access their account with the DFSP, such as a phone number, email address, or some other identifier previously provided by the DFSP.

Callback and data model information for GET /accounts/{ID}:

  • Callback - PUT /accounts/{ID}
  • Error Callback - PUT /accounts/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – Empty body

# Callbacks

The responses for the /accounts resource are as follows

# PUT /accounts/{ID}

Used by: DFSP

The PUT /accounts/{ID} response is used to inform the requester of the result of a request for accounts information. The identifier ID given in the call are the values given in the original request (see Section above.)

The data content of the message is given below.

Name Cardinality Type Description
accountList 1 AccountList Information about the accounts that the DFSP associates with the identifier sent by the PISP.
# PUT /accounts/{ID}/error

Used by: DFSP

The PUT /accounts/{ID}/error response is used to inform the requester that an account list request has given rise to an error. The identifier ID given in the call are the values given in the original request (see Section above.)

The data content of the message is given below.

Name Cardinality Type Description
errorInformation 1 ErrorInformation Information describing the error and error code.

# 3.1.2 /consentRequests

The /consentRequests resource is used by a PISP to initiate the process of linking with a DFSP’s account on behalf of a user. The PISP contacts the DFSP and sends a list of the permissions that it wants to obtain and the accounts for which it wants permission.

# Requests

This section describes the services that can be requested by a client on the API resource /consentRequests.

# GET /consentRequests/{ID}

Used by: PISP

The HTTP request GET /consentRequests/{ID} is used to get information about a previously requested consent. The {ID} in the URI should contain the consentRequestId that was assigned to the request by the PISP when the PISP originated the request.

Callback and data model information for GET /consentRequests/{ID}:

  • Callback – PUT /consentRequests/{ID}
  • Error Callback – PUT /consentRequests/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – Empty body
# POST /consentRequests

Used by: PISP

The HTTP request POST /consentRequests is used to request a DFSP to grant access to one or more accounts owned by a customer of the DFSP for the PISP who sends the request.

Callback and data model for POST /consentRequests:

  • Callback: PUT /consentRequests/{ID}
  • Error callback: PUT /consentRequests/{ID}/error
  • Data model – see below
Name Cardinality Type Description
consentRequestId 1 CorrelationId Common ID between the PISP and the Payer DFSP for the consent request object. The ID should be reused for resends of the same consent request. A new ID should be generated for each new consent request.
userId 1 String(1..128) The identifier used in the GET /accounts/{ID}. Used by the DFSP to correlate an account lookup to a consentRequest
scopes 1..256 Scope One or more requests for access to a particular account. In each case, the address of the account and the types of access required are given.
authChannels 1..256 ConsentRequestChannelType A collection of the types of authentication that the DFSP may use to verify that its customer has in fact requested access for the PISP to the accounts requested.
callbackUri 1 Uri The callback URI that the user will be redirected to after completing verification via the WEB authorization channel. This field is mandatory as the PISP does not know ahead of time which AuthChannel the DSFP will use to authenticate their user.

# Callbacks

This section describes the callbacks that are used by the server under the resource /consentRequests.

# PUT /consentRequests/{ID}

Used by: DFSP

A DFSP uses this callback to (1) inform the PISP that the consentRequest has been accepted, and (2) communicate to the PISP which authChannel it should use to authenticate their user with.

When a PISP requests a series of permissions from a DFSP on behalf of a DFSP’s customer, not all the permissions requested may be granted by the DFSP. Conversely, the out-of-band authorization process may result in additional privileges being granted by the account holder to the PISP. The PUT /consentRequests/{ID} resource returns the current state of the permissions relating to a particular authorization request. The data model for this call is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
scopes 1..256 Scope One or more requests for access to a particular account. In each case, the address of the account and the types of access required are given.
authChannels 1 ConsentRequestChannelType A list of one element, which the DFSP uses to inform the PISP of the selected authorization channel.
callbackUri 0..1 Uri The callback URI that the user will be redirected to after completing verification via the WEB authorization channel
authUri 0..1 Uri The URI that the PISP should call to complete the linking procedure if completion is required.
# PATCH /consentRequests/{ID}

Used by: PISP

After the user completes an out-of-band authorization with the DFSP, the PISP will receive a token which they can use to prove to the DFSP that the user trusts this PISP.

Name Cardinality Type Description
authToken 1 BinaryString The token given to the PISP by the DFSP as part of the out-of-band authentication process

# Error callbacks

This section describes the error callbacks that are used by the server under the resource /consentRequests.

# PUT /consentRequests/{ID}/error

Used by: DFSP

If the server is unable to complete the consent request, or if an out-of-band processing error or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /consentRequests/{ID}/error is used. The {ID} in the URI should contain the {ID} that was used in the GET /consentRequests/{ID} request or the POST /consentRequests request. The data model for this resource is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
errorInformation 1 ErrorInformation Information describing the error and error code.

# 3.1.3 /consents

The /consents resource is used to negotiate a series of permissions between the PISP and the DFSP which owns the account(s) on behalf of which the PISP wants to transact.

A /consents call is originally sent to the PISP by the DFSP following the original consent request process described in Section above. At the close of this process, the DFSP which owns the customer’s account(s) will have satisfied itself that its customer really has requested that the PISP be allowed access to their accounts, and will have defined the accounts in question and the type of access which is to be granted.

# Requests

The /consents resource will support the following requests.

# GET /consents/{ID}

Used by: DFSP

The GET /consents/{ID} resource allows a party to enquire after the status of a consent. The {ID} used in the URI of the request should be the consent request ID which was used to identify the consent when it was created.

Callback and data model information for GET /consents/{ID}:

  • Callback – PUT /consents/{ID}
  • Error Callback – PUT /consents/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – Empty body
# POST /consents

Used by: DFSP

The POST /consents request is used to request the creation of a consent for interactions between a PISP and the DFSP who owns the account which a PISP’s customer wants to allow the PISP access to.

Callback and data model information for POST /consents/:

  • Callback – PUT /consents/{ID}
  • Error Callback – PUT /consents/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – defined below
Name Cardinality Type Description
consentId 1 CorrelationId Common ID between the PISP and the Payer DFSP for the consent object. The ID should be reused for resends of the same consent. A new ID should be generated for each new consent.
consentRequestId 1 CorrelationId The ID given to the original consent request on which this consent is based.
scopes 1..256 Scope A list Scope objects, which represent the accounts and attached permissions on which the DFSP is prepared to grant specified permissions to the PISP.
status 1 ConsentStatus The status of the Consent.
credential 0..1 Credential The credential which is being used to support the consents.
extensionList 0..1 ExtensionList Optional extension, specific to deployment
# DELETE /consents/{ID}

Used by PISP, DFSP

The DELETE /consents/{ID} request is used to request the revocation of a previously agreed consent. For tracing and auditing purposes, the switch should be sure not to delete the consent physically; instead, information relating to the consent should be marked as deleted and requests relating to the consent should not be honoured.

Note: the ALS should verify that the participant who is requesting the deletion is either the initiator named in the consent or the account holding institution named in the consent. If any other party attempts to delete a consent, the request should be rejected, and an error raised.

Callback and data model information for DELETE /consents/{ID}:

  • Callback – PATCH /consents/{ID}
  • Error Callback – PUT /consents/{ID}/error

# Callbacks

The /consents resource supports the following callbacks:

# PATCH/consents/{ID}

Used by: Auth-Service, DFSP

PATCH /consents/{ID} is used in 2 places:

  1. To inform the PISP that the consent.credential is valid and the account linking process completed successfully.
  2. To inform the PISP or the DFSP that the Consent has been revoked.

In the first case, a DFSP sends a PATCH/consents/{ID} request to the PISP with a credential.status of VERIFIED.

In the second case, an Auth-Service or DFSP sends a PATCH/consents/{ID} request with a status of REVOKED, and the revokedAt field set.

The syntax of this call complies with the JSON Merge Patch specification RFC-7386 (opens new window) rather than the JSON Patch specification RFC-6902 (opens new window). The PATCH /consents/{ID} resource contains a set of proposed changes to the current state of the permissions relating to a particular authorization grant. The data model for this call is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
status 0..1 ConsentStatus The status of the Consent.
revokedAt 0..1 DateTime The DateTime the consent was revoked at.
credential 0..1 Credential The credential which is being used to support the consents.
extensionList 0..1 ExtensionList Optional extension, specific to deployment
# PUT /consents/{ID}

Used by: PISP

The PUT /consents/{ID} resource is used to return information relating to the consent object whose consentId is given in the URI. And for registering a credential for the consent. The data returned by the call is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
scopes 1..256 Scope The scopes covered by the consent.
status 0..1 ConsentStatus The status of the Consent.
credential 1 Credential The credential which is being used to support the consents.
extensionList 0..1 ExtensionList Optional extension, specific to deployment

# Error callbacks

This section describes the error callbacks that are used by the server under the resource /consents.

# PUT /consents/{ID}/error

Used by: PISP, DFSP, Auth-Service

If the server is unable to complete the consent, or if an out-of-loop processing error or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /consents/{ID}/error is used. The {ID} in the URI should contain the {ID} that was used in the GET /consents/{ID} request or the POST /consents request. The data model for this resource is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
errorInformation 1 ErrorInformation Information describing the error and error code.

# 3.1.4 /parties

The /parties resource will be used by the PISP to identify a party to a transfer. This will be used by the PISP to identify the payee DFSP when it requests a transfer.

The PISP will be permitted to issue a PUT /parties response. Although it does not own any transaction accounts, there are circumstances in which another party may want to pay a customer via their PISP identification: for instance, where the customer is at a merchant’s premises and tells the merchant that they would like to pay via their PISP app. In these circumstances, the PISP will need to be able to confirm that it does act for the customer.

# Requests

The /parties resource will support the following requests.

# GET /parties

Used by: PISP

The GET /parties resource will use the same form as the resource described in Section (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# Callbacks

The parties resource will support the following callbacks.

# PUT /parties

Used by: DFSP

The PUT /parties resource will use the same form as the resource described in Section (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# 3.1.5 /services

The /services resource is a new resource which enables a participant to query for other participants who offer a particular service. The requester will issue a GET request, specifying the type of service for which information is required as part of the query string. The switch will respond with a list of the current DFSPs in the scheme which are registered as providing that service.

# Requests

The services resource will support the following requests.

# GET /services/{ServiceType}

Used by: DFSP, PISP

The HTTP request GET /services/{ServiceType} is used to find out the names of the participants in a scheme which provide the type of service defined in the {ServiceType} parameter. The {ServiceType} parameter should specify a value from the ServiceType enumeration. If it does not, the request will be rejected with an error.

Callback and data model information for GET /services/{ServiceType}:

  • Callback - PUT /services/{ServiceType}
  • Error Callback - PUT /services/{ServiceType}/error
  • Data Model – Empty body

# Callbacks

This section describes the callbacks that are used by the server for services provided by the resource /services.

# PUT /services/{ServiceType}

Used by: Switch

The callback PUT /services/{ServiceType} is used to inform the client of a successful result of the service information lookup. The information is returned in the following form:

Name Cardinality Type Description
providers 0...256 FspId A list of the Ids of the participants who provide the service requested.
# PUT /services/{ServiceType}/error

Used by: Switch

If the server encounters an error in fulfilling a request for a list of participants who provide a service, the error callback PUT /services/{ServiceType}/error is used to inform the client that an error has occurred.

Name Cardinality Type Description
errorInformation 1 ErrorInformation Information describing the error and error code.

# 3.1.6 thirdpartyRequests/authorizations

The /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations resource is analogous to the /authorizations resource described in Section 6.6 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above. The DFSP uses it to request the PISP to:

  1. Display the information defining the terms of a proposed transfer to its customer;
  2. Obtain the customer’s confirmation that they want the transfer to proceed;
  3. Return a signed version of the terms which the DFSP can use to verify the consent

The /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations resource supports the endpoints described below.

# Requests

This section describes the services that a client can request on the /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations resource.

# GET /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}

Used by: DFSP

The HTTP request GET /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID} is used to get information relating to a previously issued authorization request. The {ID} in the request should match the authorizationRequestId which was given when the authorization request was created.

Callback and data model information for GET /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}:

  • Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}
  • Error Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – Empty body
# POST /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations

Used by: DFSP

The HTTP request POST /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations is used to request the validation by a customer for the transfer described in the request.

Callback and data model information for POST /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations:

  • Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}
  • Error Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – See Table below
Name Cardinality Type Description
authorizationRequestId 1 CorrelationId Common ID between the PISP and the Payer DFSP for the authorization request object. The ID should be reused for resends of the same authorization request. A new ID should be generated for each new authorization request.
transactionRequestId 1 CorrelationId The unique identifier of the transaction request for which authorization is being requested.
challenge 1 BinaryString The challenge that the PISP’s client is to sign.
transferAmount 1 Money The amount that will be debited from the sending customer’s account as a consequence of the transaction.
payeeReceiveAmount 1 Money The amount that will be credited to the receiving customer’s account as a consequence of the transaction.
fees 1 Money The amount of fees that the paying customer will be charged as part of the transaction.
payer 1 PartyIdInfo Information about the Payer type, id, sub-type/id, FSP Id in the proposed financial transaction.
payee 1 Party Information about the Payee in the proposed transaction
transactionType 1 TransactionType The type of the transaction.
expiration 1 DateTime The time by which the transfer must be completed, set by the payee DFSP.
extensionList 0..1 ExtensionList Optional extension, specific to deployment.

# Callbacks

The following callbacks are supported for the /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations resource

# PUT /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}

Used by: PISP

After receiving the POST /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations, the PISP will present the details of the transaction to their user, and request that the client sign the challenge field using the credential they previously registered.

The signed challenge will be sent back by the PISP in PUT /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}:

Name Cardinality Type Description
responseType 1 AuthorizationResponseType ACCEPTED or REJECTED
signedPayload 0..1 SignedPayload If the responseType is ACCEPTED, signedPayload is required.

# Error callbacks

This section describes the error callbacks that are used by the server under the resource /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations.

# PUT /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}/error

Used by: DFSP

The PUT /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations/{ID}/error resource will have the same content as the PUT /authorizations/{ID}/error resource described in Section (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# 3.1.7 /thirdpartyRequests/transactions

The /thirdpartyRequests/transactionsresource is analogous to the/transactionRequests resource described in Section 6.4 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above. The PISP uses it to request the owner of the PISP’s customer’s account to transfer a specified amount from the customer’s account with the DFSP to a named Payee.

The /thirdpartyRequests/transactions resource supports the endpoints described below.

# Requests

This section describes the services that a client can request on the /thirdpartyRequests/transactions resource.

# GET /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}

Used by: PISP

The HTTP request GET /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID} is used to get information relating to a previously issued transaction request. The {ID} in the request should match the transactionRequestId which was given when the transaction request was created.

Callback and data model information for GET /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}:

  • Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}
  • Error Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – Empty body
# POST /thirdpartyRequests/transactions

Used by: PISP

The HTTP request POST /thirdpartyRequests/transactions is used to request the creation of a transaction request on the server for the transfer described in the request.

Callback and data model information for POST /thirdpartyRequests/transactions:

  • Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}
  • Error Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – See Table below
Name Cardinality Type Description
transactionRequestId 1 CorrelationId Common ID between the PISP and the Payer DFSP for the transaction request object. The ID should be reused for resends of the same transaction request. A new ID should be generated for each new transaction request.
payee 1 Party Information about the Payee in the proposed financial transaction.
payer 1 PartyIdInfo Information about the Payer type, id, sub-type/id, FSP Id in the proposed financial transaction.
amountType 1 AmountType SEND for send amount, RECEIVE for receive amount.
amount 1 Money Requested amount to be transferred from the Payer to Payee.
transactionType 1 TransactionType Type of transaction
note 0..1 Note Memo assigned to Transaction.
expiration 0..1 DateTime Can be set to get a quick failure in case the peer FSP takes too long to respond. Also, it may be beneficial for Consumer, Agent, Merchant to know that their request has a time limit.
extensionList 0..1 ExtensionList Optional extension, specific to deployment.

# Callbacks

The following callbacks are supported for the /thirdpartyRequests/transactions resource

# PUT /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}

Used by: DFSP

After a PISP requests the creation of a Third Party Transaction request (POST /thirdpartyRequests/transactions) or the status of a previously created Third Party Transaction request (GET /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}), the DFSP will send this callback.

The data model for this endpoint is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
transactionRequestState 1 TransactionRequestState State of the transaction request.
extensionList 0..1 ExtensionList Optional extension, specific to deployment
# PATCH /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}

Used by: DFSP

The issuing PISP will expect a response to their request for a transfer which describes the finalised state of the requested transfer. This response will be given by a PATCH call on the /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID} resource. The {ID} given in the query string should be the transactionRequestId which was originally used by the PISP to identify the transaction request (see Section above.)

The data model for this endpoint is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
completedTimestamp 0..1 DateTime Time and date when the transaction was completed, if it was completed.
transactionRequestState 1 TransactionRequestState State of the transaction request
transactionState 1 TransactionState State of the transaction created by the DFSP in response to this transaction request
extensionList 0..1 ExtensionList Optional extension, specific to deployment

# Error callbacks

This section describes the error callbacks that are used by the server under the resource /thirdpartyRequests/transactions.

# PUT /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}/error

Used by: DFSP

The PUT /thirdpartyRequests/transactions/{ID}/error resource will have the same content as the PUT /transactionRequests/{ID}/error resource described in Section (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# 3.1.8 /thirdpartyRequests/verifications

The /thirdpartyRequests/verifications resource is used by a Payer DFSP to verify that an authorization response received from a PISP was signed using the correct private key, in cases where the authentication service to be used is implemented by the switch and not internally by the DFSP. The DFSP sends the original challenge and the signed response to the authentication service, together with the consentId to be used for the verification. The authentication service compares the response with the result of signing the challenge with the private key associated with the consentId, and, if the two match, it returns a positive result. Otherwise, it returns an error.

The /thirdpartyRequests/verifications resource supports the endpoints described below.

# Requests

This section describes the services that a client can request on the /thirdpartyRequests/verifications resource.

# GET /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}

Used by: DFSP

The HTTP request /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID} is used to get information regarding a previously created or requested authorization. The {ID} in the URI should contain the verification request ID (see Section below) that was used for the creation of the transfer.Callback and data model information for GET /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}:

  • Callback – PUT /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}
  • Error Callback – PUT /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}/error
  • Data Model – Empty body
# POST /thirdpartyRequests/verifications

Used by: DFSP

The POST /thirdpartyRequests/verifications resource is used to request confirmation from an authentication service that a challenge has been signed using the correct private key.

Callback and data model information for POST /thirdpartyRequests/verifications:

  • Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}
  • Error Callback - PUT /thirdpartyRequests/verifications /{ID}/error
  • Data Model – See Table below
Name Cardinality Type Description
verificationRequestId 1 CorrelationId Common ID between the DFSP and authentication service for the verification request object. The ID should be reused for resends of the same authorization request. A new ID should be generated for each new authorization request.
challenge 1 BinaryString The challenge originally sent to the PISP
consentId 1 CorrelationId Common Id between the DFSP and the authentication service for the agreement against which the authentication service is to evaluate the signature
signedPayloadType 1 SignedPayloadType The type of the SignedPayload, depending on the type of credential registered by the PISP
genericSignedPayload 0..1 BinaryString Required if signedPayloadType is GENERIC. The signed challenge returned by the PISP. A BinaryString representing a signature of the challenge + private key of the credential.
fidoSignedPayload 0..1 FIDOPublicKeyCredentialAssertion Required if signedPayloadType is FIDO. The signed challenge returned by the PISP in the form of a FIDOPublicKeyCredentialAssertion Object (opens new window)

# Callbacks

This section describes the callbacks that are used by the server under the resource /thirdpartyRequests/verifications

# PUT /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}

Used by: Auth Service

The callback PUT /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID} is used to inform the client of the result of an authorization check. The {ID} in the URI should contain the authorizationRequestId (see Section above) which was used to request the check, or the {ID} that was used in the GET /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}. The data model for this resource is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
authenticationResponse 1 AuthenticationResponse The result of the authorization check.

# Error callbacks

This section describes the error callbacks that are used by the server under the resource /thirdpartyRequests/verifications.

# PUT /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}/error

Used by: Auth Service

If the server is unable to complete the authorization request, or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}/error is used.The {ID} in the URI should contain the verificationRequestId (see Section above) which was used to request the check, or the {ID} that was used in the GET /thirdpartyRequests/verifications/{ID}.

The data model for this resource is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
errorInformation 1 ErrorInformation Information describing the error and error code.

# 3.2 Data Models

The following additional data models will be required to support the Third Party API

# 3.2.1 Element definitions

# Account

The Account data model contains information relating to an account.

Name Cardinality Type Description
address 1 AccountAddress An address which can be used to identify the account
currency 1 Currency The currency in which the account is denominated
accountNickname 0..1 Name Display name of the account, as set by the account owning DFSP. This will normally be a type name, such as “Transaction Account” or “Savings Account”

# AccountAddress

The AccountAddress data type is a variable length string with a maximum size of 1023 characters and consists of:

  • Alphanumeric characters, upper or lower case. (Addresses are case-sensitive so that they can contain data encoded in formats such as base64url.)
  • Underscore (_)
  • Tilde (~)
  • Hyphen (-)
  • Period (.) Addresses MUST NOT end in a period (.) character

An entity providing accounts to parties (i.e. a participant) can provide any value for an AccountAddress that is meaningful to that entity. It does not need to provide an address that makes the account identifiable outside the entity’s domain.

IMPORTANT: The policy for defining addresses and the life-cycle of these is at the discretion of the address space owner (the payer DFSP in this case).

# AccountList

The AccountList data model is used to hold information about the accounts that a party controls.

Name Cardinality Type Description
account 1..256 Account Information relating to an account that a party controls.

# AuthenticationResponse

Name Cardinality Type Description
AuthenticationResponse 1 Enum of String(1..32) See Section below (AuthenticationResponse) for more information on allowed values.

# BinaryString

The BinaryString type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.2.17 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# ConsentRequestChannelType

The ConsentRequestChannelType is used to hold an instance of the ConsentRequestChannelType enumeration. Its data model is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
ConsentRequestChannelType 1 Enum of String(1..32) See Section below ( ConsentRequestChannelType) for more information on allowed values.

# ConsentStatus

The ConsentStatus type stores the status of a consent request, as described in Section above. Its data model is as follows:

Name Cardinality Type Description
ConsentStatus 1 Enum of String(1..32) See Section below (ConsentStatusType) for more information on allowed values.

# CorrelationId

The CorrelationId type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.3.8 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# Credential

The Credential object is used to store information about a publicKey and signature that has been registered with a Consent. This publicKey can be used to verify that transaction authorizations have been signed by the previously-registered privateKey, which resides on a User's device.

Name Cardinality Type Description
credentialType 1 CredentialType The type of credential this is - FIDO or GENERIC
status 1 CredentialStatus The current status of the credential.
genericPayload 0..1 GenericCredential Required if credentialType is GENERIC. A description of the credential and information which allows the recipient of the credential to test its veracity.
fidoPayload 0..1 FIDOPublicKeyCredentialAttestation Required if credentialType is FIDO. A description of the credential and information which allows the recipient of the credential to test its veracity.
# CredentialStatus

The CredentialStatus data type stores the state of a credential request. Its data model is as follows.

Name Cardinality Type Description
CredentialStatus 1 Enum of String(1..32) See Section below (CredentialStatus) for more information on allowed values.
# DateTime

The DateTime data type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.2.14 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# ErrorInformation

The ErrorInformation data type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.4.2 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above

Valid values for ErrorCode and ErrorDescription are defined in Error Codes

# ExtensionList

The ExtensionList data type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.4.4 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# FspId

The FspId data type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.3.16 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# GenericCredential

The GenericCredential object stores the payload for a credential which is validated according to a comparison of the signature created from the challenge using a private key against the same challenge signed using a public key. Its content is as follows.

Name Cardinality Type Description
publicKey 1 BinaryString The public key to be used in checking the signature.
signature 1 BinaryString The signature to be checked against the public key.
# Money

The Money type used in these definitions is a defined in Section 7.4.10 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# Note

The Note data type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.3.23 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# Party

The Note data type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.4.11 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# PartyIdInfo

The PartyIdInfo data type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.4.13 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# Scope

The Scope element contains an identifier defining, in the terms of a DFSP, an account on which access types can be requested or granted. It also defines the access types which are requested or granted.

Name Cardinality Type Description
address 1 AccountAddress The address of the account to which the PISP wishes to be permitted access, or is being granted access
actions 1..32 ScopeAction The action that the PISP wants permission to take in relation to the customer’s account, or that it has been granted in relation to the customer’s account
# ScopeAction

The ScopeAction element contains an access type which a PISP can request from a DFSP, or which a DFSP can grant to a PISP. It must be a member of the appropriate enumeration.

Name Cardinality Type Description
scopeAction 1 Enum of String(1..32) See Section below (ScopeEnumeration) for more information on allowed values.
# ServiceType

The ServiceType element contains a type of service where the requester wants a list of the participants in the scheme which provide that service. It must be a member of the appropriate enumeration.

Name Cardinality Type Description
serviceType 1 Enum of String(1..32) See Section below (ServiceType) for more information on allowed values.
# TransactionType

The TransactionType type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.4.18 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# TransactionState

The TransactionState type used in these definitions is as defined in Section 7.3.33 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# Uri

The API data type Uri is a JSON string in a canonical format that is restricted by a regular expression for interoperability reasons. The regular expression for restricting the Uri type is as follows: ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?

# FIDOPublicKeyCredentialAttestation

A data model representing a FIDO Attestation result. Derived from PublicKeyCredential Interface (opens new window).

The PublicKeyCredential interface represents the below fields with a Type of Javascript ArrayBuffer (opens new window). For this API, we represent ArrayBuffers as base64 encoded utf-8 strings.

Name Cardinality Type Description
id 1 String(59..118) The identifier of a keypair created by an authenticator
rawId 0..1 String(59..118) The identifier of a keypair created by an authenticator, base64 encoded
response 1 AuthenticatorAttestationResponse The attestation response from the authenticator
# FIDOPublicKeyCredentialAssertion

A data model representing a FIDO Assertion result. Derived from PublicKeyCredential Interface (opens new window) in WebAuthN (opens new window).

The PublicKeyCredential interface represents the below fields with a Type of Javascript ArrayBuffer (opens new window). For this API, we represent ArrayBuffers as base64 encoded utf-8 strings.

Name Cardinality Type Description
id 1 String(59..118) The identifier of a keypair created by an authenticator
rawId 0..1 String(59..118) The identifier of a keypair created by an authenticator, base64 encoded
response 1 AuthenticatorAssertionResponse The assertion response from the authenticator
# AuthenticatorAttestationResponse

A data model representing an AttestationStatement (opens new window) from WebAuthN (opens new window).

Name Cardinality Type Description
clientDataJSON 1 String(121...512) JSON string with client data
attestationObject 1 String(306...2048) Object encoded in Concise Binary Object Representation(CBOR), as defined in RFC-8949 (opens new window)
# AuthenticatorAssertionResponse

A data model representing an AuthenticatorAssertionResponse (opens new window).

Name Cardinality Type Description
authenticatorData 1 String(29..256) Information about the authenticator.
clientDataJSON 1 String(121..512) base64 encoded JSON string containing information about the client.
signature 1 String(59..256) The signature generated by the private key associated with this credential.
userHandle 0..1 String(1..88) This field is optionally provided by the authenticator, and represents the user.id that was supplied during registration, as defined in WebAuthN's user.id (opens new window).
# SignedPayload

A data model representing a Third Party Transaction request signature.

Name Cardinality Type Description
signedPayloadType 1 SignedPayloadType FIDO or GENERIC
genericSignedPayload 0..1 BinaryString(256) Required if signedPayloadType is of type GENERIC. A BinaryString(256) of a signature of a sha-256 hash of the challenge.
fidoSignedPayload 0..1 FIDOPublicKeyCredentialAssertion Required if signedPayloadType is of type FIDO.

# 3.2.2 Enumerations

# AuthenticationResponse

The AuthenticationResponse enumeration describes the result of authenticating verification request.

Name Description
VERIFIED The challenge was correctly signed.

# AuthorizationResponseType

The AuthorizationResponseType enumeration is the same as the AuthorizationResponse enumeration described in Section 7.5.3 (opens new window) of Ref. 1 above.

# ConsentRequestChannelType

Name Description
WEB DFSP can support authorization via a web-based login
OTP DFSP can support authorization via a One Time PIN

# ConsentStatusType

The ConsentStatusType enumeration describes the allowed status values that a consent item can have. These are as follows:

Name Description
ISSUED The consent has been issued by the DFSP.
REVOKED The consent has been revoked.

# CredentialStatus

This contains the allowed values for the CredentialStatus

Name Description
PENDING The credential has been created but not yet verified.
VERIFIED Authentication service has verified the credential.

# CredentialType

The CredentialType enumeration contains the allowed values for the type of credential which is associated with a permission.

Name Description
FIDO The credential is based on a FIDO challenge. Its payload is a FIDOPublicKeyCredentialAttestation object.
GENERIC The credential is based on a simple public key validation. Its payload is a GenericCredential object

# PartyIdType

The PartyIdType enumeration is extended for PISPs to include a definition for the identifier which represents a link between a specific PISP and an account at a DFSP which a customer has given the PISP permission to access.

Name Description
MSISDN An MSISDN (Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number; that is, a phone number) is used in reference to a Party. The MSISDN identifier should be in international format according to the ITU-T E.16437 standard. Optionally, the MSISDN may be prefixed by a single plus sign, indicating the international prefix.
EMAIL An email is used in reference to a Party. The format of the email should be according to the informational RFC 369638.
PERSONAL_ID A personal identifier is used in reference to a participant. Examples of personal identification are passport number, birth certificate number, and national registration number. The identifier number is added in the PartyIdentifier element. The personal identifier type is added in the PartySubIdOrType element.
BUSINESS A specific Business (for example, an organization or a company) is used in reference to a participant. The BUSINESS identifier can be in any format. To make a transaction connected to a specific username or bill number in a Business, the PartySubIdOrType element should be used.
DEVICE A specific device (for example, POS or ATM) ID connected to a specific business or organization is used in reference to a Party. For referencing a specific device under a specific business or organization, use the PartySubIdOrType element.
ACCOUNT_ID A bank account number or FSP account ID should be used in reference to a participant. The ACCOUNT_ID identifier can be in any format, as formats can greatly differ depending on country and FSP.
IBAN A bank account number or FSP account ID is used in reference to a participant. The IBAN identifier can consist of up to 34 alphanumeric characters and should be entered without whitespace.
ALIAS An alias is used in reference to a participant. The alias should be created in the FSP as an alternative reference to an account owner. Another example of an alias is a username in the FSP system. The ALIAS identifier can be in any format. It is also possible to use the PartySubIdOrType element for identifying an account under an Alias defined by the PartyIdentifier.
THIRD_PARTY_LINK A third-party link which represents an agreement between a specific PISP and a customer’s account at a DFSP. The content of the link is created by the DFSP at the time when it gives permission to the PISP for specific access to a given account.

# ScopeEnumeration

Name Description
ACCOUNTS_GET_BALANCE PISP can request a balance for the linked account
ACCOUNTS_TRANSFER PISP can request a transfer of funds from the linked account in the DFSP
ACCOUNTS_STATEMENT PISP can request a statement of individual transactions on a user’s account

# ServiceType

The ServiceType enumeration describes the types of role for which a DFSP may query using the /services resource.

Name Description
THIRD_PARTY_DFSP DFSPs which will support linking with PISPs
AUTH_SERVICE Participants which provide Authentication Services
# SignedPayloadType

The SignedPayloadType enumeration contains the allowed values for the type of a signed payload

Name Description
FIDO The signed payload is based on a FIDO Assertion Response. Its payload is a FIDOPublicKeyCredentialAssertion object.
GENERIC The signed payload is based on a simple public key validation. Its payload is a BinaryString object
# AmountType

See 7.3.1 AmountType (opens new window)

# TransactionRequestState

See 7.5.10 TransactionRequestState (opens new window)

# 3.3 Error Codes

The Third Party API Error Codes are defined in Section 7.6 (opens new window) of ref 1 above.

In addition, the Third Party API adds the following error codes, starting with the prefix 6:

  • General Third Party Error -- 60xx
Error Code Name Description /accounts /consentRequests /consents /parties /services /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations thirdpartyRequests/transactions thirdpartyRequests/verifications
6000 Third party error Generic error. X X X X X X X X
6001 Third party request error Third party request failed. X X X X X X X X
6003 Downstream Failure The downstream request failed. X X X X X X X X
  • Permission Error -- 61xx
Error Code Name Description /accounts /consentRequests /consents /parties /services /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations thirdpartyRequests/transactions thirdpartyRequests/verifications
6100 Authentication rejection Generic authentication rejection X X
6101 Unsupported scopes were requested PISP requested scopes that the DFSP doesn’t allow/support X X
6102 Consent not granted User did not grant consent to the PISP X X
6103 Consent not valid Consent object is not valid or has been revoked X X X X X
6104 Third Party request rejection The request was rejected X X X X X X X X
  • Validation Error -- 62xx
Error Code Name Description /accounts /consentRequests /consents /parties /services /thirdpartyRequests/authorizations thirdpartyRequests/transactions thirdpartyRequests/verifications
6200 Invalid Consent Credential The signature of the credential submitted by the PISP is invalid X
6201 Invalid transaction signature The signature of the verification response doesn't match the credential X X
6203 Invalid authentication token DFSP receives invalid authentication token from PISP. X
6204 Bad callbackUri The callbackUri is deemed invalid or untrustworthy. X
6205 No accounts found No accounts were found for the given identifier X
Last Updated: 8/12/2022, 2:38:50 PM