Interface for interaction between Mojaloop's Account Lookup Service(ALS) and an Oracle Registry Service

Base URL: /, Version: 1.2

Based on Mojaloop API Definition updated on 2018-03-13 Version 1.0. More information can be found are

Default request content-types: application/json
Default response content-types: application/json


Path Operation Description
/participants POST

Batch create participant information

/participants/{Type}/{ID} DELETE

Delete participant information


Look up participant information


Create participant information


Return participant information


Batch create participant information

POST /participants

Tags: participants

The HTTP request POST /participants is used to create information in the server regarding the provided list of identities. This request should be used for bulk creation of FSP information for more than one Party. The optional currency parameter should indicate that each provided Party supports the currency

Uses default content-types: application/json

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer (int32)

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string


201 Created


Name Description Data Type
400 Bad Request

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

403 Forbidden

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

404 Not Found

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

405 Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

406 Not Acceptable

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

501 Not Implemented

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Delete participant information

DELETE /participants/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request DELETE /participants/{Type}/{ID} is used to delete information in the server regarding the provided identity, defined by {Type} and {ID}) (for example, DELETE /participants/MSISDN/123456789). This HTTP request should support a query string to delete FSP information regarding a specific currency only (This similarly applies to the SubId). To delete a specific currency only, the HTTP request DELETE /participants/{Type}/{ID}?currency=XYZ should be used, where XYZ is the requested currency. Note - Both the currency and the SubId can be used mutually inclusive or exclusive

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string

The type of lookup being requested, this can be MSISDN, bankAccount etc.

path string

The ID related to the Type, if MSISDN then this is the mobile number being requested

path string

The Currency code applicable to the ID being requested

query string

The SubId related to the ID, or the Type

query string

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string


204 No Content

No Content

Name Description Data Type
400 Bad Request

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

403 Forbidden

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

404 Not Found

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

405 Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

406 Not Acceptable

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

501 Not Implemented

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Look up participant information

GET /participants/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request GET /participants/{Type}/{ID} is used to find out in which FSP the requested Party, defined by {Type} and {ID} is located (for example, GET /participants/MSISDN/123456789). This HTTP request should support a query string to filter FSP information regarding a specific currency only (This similarly applies to the SubId). To query a specific currency only, the HTTP request GET /participants/{Type}/{ID}?currency=XYZ should be used, where XYZ is the requested currency. Note - Both the currency and the SubId can be used mutually inclusive or exclusive

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string

The type of lookup being requested, this can be MSISDN, bankAccount etc.

path string

The ID related to the Type, if MSISDN then this is the mobile number being requested

path string

The Currency code applicable to the ID being requested

query string

The SubId related to the ID, or the Type

query string

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string


200 OK


Name Description Data Type
Content-Length string
400 Bad Request

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

403 Forbidden

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

404 Not Found

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

405 Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

406 Not Acceptable

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

501 Not Implemented

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Create participant information

POST /participants/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request POST /participants/{Type}/{ID} is used to create information in the server regarding the provided identity, defined by {Type} and {ID} (for example, POST /participants/MSISDN/123456789).

Uses default content-types: application/json

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string

The type of lookup being requested, this can be MSISDN, bankAccount etc.

path string

The ID related to the Type, if MSISDN then this is the mobile number being requested

path string

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer (int32)


201 Created


Name Description Data Type
400 Bad Request

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

403 Forbidden

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

404 Not Found

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

405 Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

406 Not Acceptable

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

501 Not Implemented

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Return participant information

PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: participants

The PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID} is used to update information in the server regarding the provided identity, defined by {Type} and {ID} (for example, PUT /participants/MSISDN/123456789).

Uses default content-types: application/json

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The type of lookup being requested, this can be MSISDN, bankAccount etc.

path string

The ID related to the Type, if MSISDN then this is the mobile number being requested

path string

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer (int32)


204 No Content

No Content

Name Description Data Type
400 Bad Request

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

403 Forbidden

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

404 Not Found

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

405 Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

406 Not Acceptable

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

501 Not Implemented

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Schema definitions

CurrencyEnum: string , x ∈ { AED , AFN , ALL , AMD , ANG , AOA , ARS , AUD , AWG , AZN , BAM , BBD , BDT , BGN , BHD , BIF , BMD , BND , BOB , BRL , BSD , BTN , BWP , BYN , BZD , CAD , CDF , CHF , CLP , CNY , COP , CRC , CUC , CUP , CVE , CZK , DJF , DKK , DOP , DZD , EGP , ERN , ETB , EUR , FJD , FKP , GBP , GEL , GGP , GHS , GIP , GMD , GNF , GTQ , GYD , HKD , HNL , HRK , HTG , HUF , IDR , ILS , IMP , INR , IQD , IRR , ISK , JEP , JMD , JOD , JPY , KES , KGS , KHR , KMF , KPW , KRW , KWD , KYD , KZT , LAK , LBP , LKR , LRD , LSL , LYD , MAD , MDL , MGA , MKD , MMK , MNT , MOP , MRO , MUR , MVR , MWK , MXN , MYR , MZN , NAD , NGN , NIO , NOK , NPR , NZD , OMR , PAB , PEN , PGK , PHP , PKR , PLN , PYG , QAR , RON , RSD , RUB , RWF , SAR , SBD , SCR , SDG , SEK , SGD , SHP , SLL , SOS , SPL , SRD , STD , SVC , SYP , SZL , THB , TJS , TMT , TND , TOP , TRY , TTD , TVD , TWD , TZS , UAH , UGX , USD , UYU , UZS , VEF , VND , VUV , WST , XAF , XCD , XDR , XOF , XPF , YER , ZAR , ZMW , ZWD }

The currency codes defined in ISO 4217 as three-letter alphabetic codes are used as the standard naming representation for currencies.


ErrorInformation: object

Data model for the complex type ErrorInformation.

errorCode: string

Specific error number.

errorDescription: string

Error description string.

extensionList: ExtensionList

ErrorInformationResponse: object

Data model for the complex type object that contains an optional element ErrorInformation used along with 4xx and 5xx responses.

errorInformation: ErrorInformation

Extension: object

Data model for the complex type Extension

key: string

Extension key.

value: string

Extension value.

ExtensionList: object

Data model for the complex type ExtensionList

extension: object[]

Number of Extension elements

ParticipantsIDPutResponse: object

PUT /participants/{ID} object

partyList: object[]

List of PartyResult elements that were either created or failed to be created.

ParticipantsPostRequest: object

POST /participants object

requestId: string

The ID of the request, decided by the client. Used for identification of the callback from the server.

partyList: object[]

List of PartyIdInfo elements that the client would like to update or create FSP information about.

ParticipantsTypeIDGetResponse: object


partyList: object[]

List of PartyTypeIdInfo elements that were either created or failed to be created.

ParticipantsTypeIDPutRequest: object

PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID} object

fspId: string

FSP Identifier that the Party belongs to.

currency: string

Indicate that the provided Currency was set to be supported by each successfully added PartyIdInfo.

partySubIdOrType: string

A sub-identifier or sub-type for the Party.

PartyIdInfo: object

Data model for the complex type PartyIdInfo.

partyIdType: string

Type of the identifier.

partyIdentifier: string

An identifier for the Party.

partySubIdOrType: string

A sub-identifier or sub-type for the Party.

fspId: string


currency: string

Indicate that the provided Currency was set to be supported by each successfully added PartyIdInfo.


Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - MSISDN An MSISDN (Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number, that is, the phone number) is used as reference to a participant. The MSISDN identifier should be in international format according to the ITU-T E.164 standard. Optionally, the MSISDN may be prefixed by a single plus sign, indicating the international prefix. - EMAIL An email is used as reference to a participant. The format of the email should be according to the informational RFC 3696. - PERSONAL_ID A personal identifier is used as reference to a participant. Examples of personal identification are passport number, birth certificate number, and national registration number. The identifier number is added in the PartyIdentifier element. The personal identifier type is added in the PartySubIdOrType element. - BUSINESS A specific Business (for example, an organization or a company) is used as reference to a participant. The BUSINESS identifier can be in any format. To make a transaction connected to a specific username or bill number in a Business, the PartySubIdOrType element should be used. - DEVICE A specific device (for example, a POS or ATM) ID connected to a specific business or organization is used as reference to a Party. For referencing a specific device under a specific business or organization, use the PartySubIdOrType element. - ACCOUNT_ID A bank account number or FSP account ID should be used as reference to a participant. The ACCOUNT_ID identifier can be in any format, as formats can greatly differ depending on country and FSP. - IBAN A bank account number or FSP account ID is used as reference to a participant. The IBAN identifier can consist of up to 34 alphanumeric characters and should be entered without whitespace. - ALIAS An alias is used as reference to a participant. The alias should be created in the FSP as an alternative reference to an account owner. Another example of an alias is a username in the FSP system. The ALIAS identifier can be in any format. It is also possible to use the PartySubIdOrType element for identifying an account under an Alias defined by the PartyIdentifier.


PartyResult: object

Data model for the complex type PartyResult.

partyId: PartyIdInfo
errorInformation: ErrorInformation

PartyTypeIdInfo: object

Data model for the complex type PartyIdInfo.

fspId: string


currency: string

Indicate that the provided Currency was set to be supported by each successfully added PartyIdInfo.

partySubIdOrType: string

A sub-identifier or sub-type for the Party.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""