Open API for FSP Interoperability (FSPIOP)

Base URL: /fsp, Version: 1.0

Based on API Definition.docx updated on 2018-03-13 Version 1.0. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 65536 bytes (64 Kilobytes) in the HTTP header.

Schemes: http, https


Tag: participants

Operation Description
PUT /participants/{ID}/error


PUT /participants/{ID}


PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}/error


PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}/error


GET /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}


PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}


POST /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}


DELETE /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}


GET /participants/{Type}/{ID}


PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}


POST /participants/{Type}/{ID}


DELETE /participants/{Type}/{ID}


POST /participants


Tag: parties

Operation Description
GET /parties/{Type}/{ID}


PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}


PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}/error


GET /parties/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}


PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}


PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}/error


Tag: transactionRequests

Operation Description
PUT /transactionRequests/{ID}/error


GET /transactionRequests/{ID}


PUT /transactionRequests/{ID}


POST /transactionRequests


Tag: quotes

Operation Description
PUT /quotes/{ID}/error


GET /quotes/{ID}


PUT /quotes/{ID}


POST /quotes


Tag: authorizations

Operation Description
GET /authorizations/{ID}


PUT /authorizations/{ID}


PUT /authorizations/{ID}/error


Tag: transfers

Operation Description
GET /transfers/{ID}


PUT /transfers/{ID}


PUT /transfers/{ID}/error


POST /transfers


Tag: transactions

Operation Description
GET /transactions/{ID}


PUT /transactions/{ID}


PUT /transactions/{ID}/error


Tag: bulkQuotes

Operation Description
PUT /bulkQuotes/{ID}/error


GET /bulkQuotes/{ID}


PUT /bulkQuotes/{ID}


POST /bulkQuotes


Tag: bulkTransfers

Operation Description
GET /bulkTransfers/{ID}


PUT /bulkTransfers/{ID}


POST /bulkTransfers


PUT /bulkTransfers/{ID}/error




GET /authorizations/{ID}

Tags: authorizations

The HTTP request GET /authorizations/ is used to request the Payer to enter the applicable credentials in the Payee FSP system. The in the URI should contain the transactionRequestID, received from the POST /transactionRequests service earlier in the process. This request requires a query string to be included in the URI, with the following key-value pairs - authenticationType=, where value is a valid authentication type from the enumeration AuthenticationType. retriesLeft==, where is the number of retries left before the financial transaction is rejected. must be expressed in the form of the data type Integer. retriesLeft=1 means that this is the last retry before the financial transaction is rejected. amount=, where is the transaction amount that will be withdrawn from the Payer’s account. must be expressed in the form of the data type Amount. currency=, where is the transaction currency for the amount that will be withdrawn from the Payer’s account. The value must be expressed in the form of the enumeration CurrencyCode. An example URI containing all the required key-value pairs in the query string is the following - GET /authorization/3d492671-b7af-4f3f-88de-76169b1bdf88?authenticationType=OTP&retriesLeft=2&amount=102&currency=USD

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /authorizations/{ID}

Tags: authorizations

The callback PUT /authorizations/ is used to inform the client of the result of a previously-requested authorization. The in the URI should contain the that was used in the GET /authorizations/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /authorizations/{ID}/error

Tags: authorizations

If the server is unable to find the transaction request, or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /authorizations//error is used. The in the URI should contain the that was used in the GET /authorizations/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


POST /bulkQuotes

Tags: bulkQuotes

The HTTP request POST /bulkQuotes is used to request the creation of a bulk quote for the provided financial transactions in the server.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /bulkQuotes/{ID}

Tags: bulkQuotes

The HTTP request GET /bulkQuotes/ is used to get information regarding an earlier created or requested bulk quote. The in the URI should contain the bulkQuoteId that was used for the creation of the bulk quote.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /bulkQuotes/{ID}

Tags: bulkQuotes

The callback PUT /bulkQuotes/ is used to inform the client of a requested or created bulk quote. The in the URI should contain the bulkQuoteId that was used for the creation of the bulk quote, or the that was used in the GET /bulkQuotes/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /bulkQuotes/{ID}/error

Tags: bulkQuotes

If the server is unable to find or create a bulk quote, or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /bulkQuotes//error is used. The in the URI should contain the bulkQuoteId that was used for the creation of the bulk quote, or the that was used in the GET /bulkQuotes/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


POST /bulkTransfers

Tags: bulkTransfers

The HTTP request POST /bulkTransfers is used to request the creation of a bulk transfer in the server.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /bulkTransfers/{ID}

Tags: bulkTransfers

The HTTP request GET /bulkTransfers/ is used to get information regarding an earlier created or requested bulk transfer. The in the URI should contain the bulkTransferId that was used for the creation of the bulk transfer.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /bulkTransfers/{ID}

Tags: bulkTransfers

The callback PUT /bulkTransfers/ is used to inform the client of a requested or created bulk transfer. The in the URI should contain the bulkTransferId that was used for the creation of the bulk transfer (POST /bulkTransfers), or the that was used in the GET /bulkTransfers/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /bulkTransfers/{ID}/error

Tags: bulkTransfers

If the server is unable to find or create a bulk transfer, or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /bulkTransfers//error is used. The in the URI should contain the bulkTransferId that was used for the creation of the bulk transfer (POST /bulkTransfers), or the that was used in the GET /bulkTransfers/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


POST /participants

Tags: participants

The HTTP request POST /participants is used to create information in the server regarding the provided list of identities. This request should be used for bulk creation of FSP information for more than one Party. The optional currency parameter should indicate that each provided Party supports the currency

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /participants/{ID}

Tags: participants

The callback PUT /participants/ is used to inform the client of the result of the creation of the provided list of identities.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /participants/{ID}/error

Tags: participants

If there is an error during FSP information creation in the server, the error callback PUT /participants/{ID}/error is used. The in the URI should contain the requestId that was used for the creation of the participant information.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


DELETE /participants/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request DELETE /participants// (or DELETE /participants///) is used to delete information in the server regarding the provided identity, defined by and ) (for example, DELETE /participants/MSISDN/123456789), and optionally . This HTTP request should support a query string to delete FSP information regarding a specific currency only. To delete a specific currency only, the HTTP request DELETE /participants//?currency=XYZ should be used, where XYZ is the requested currency. Note - The Account Lookup System should verify that it is the Party’s current FSP that is deleting the FSP information.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /participants/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request GET /participants// (or GET /participants///) is used to find out in which FSP the requested Party, defined by , and optionally , is located (for example, GET /participants/MSISDN/123456789, or GET /participants/BUSINESS/shoecompany/employee1). This HTTP request should support a query string for filtering of currency. To use filtering of currency, the HTTP request GET /participants//?currency=XYZ should be used, where XYZ is the requested currency.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


POST /participants/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request POST /participants// (or POST /participants///) is used to create information in the server regarding the provided identity, defined by , , and optionally (for example, POST /participants/MSISDN/123456789 or POST /participants/BUSINESS/shoecompany/employee1).

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: participants

The callback PUT /participants// (or PUT /participants///) is used to inform the client of a successful result of the lookup, creation, or deletion of the FSP information related to the Party. If the FSP information is deleted, the fspId element should be empty; otherwise the element should include the FSP information for the Party.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}/error

Tags: participants

If the server is unable to find, create or delete the associated FSP of the provided identity, or another processing error occurred, the error callback PUT /participants///error (or PUT /participants////error) is used.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


DELETE /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request DELETE /participants// (or DELETE /participants///) is used to delete information in the server regarding the provided identity, defined by and ) (for example, DELETE /participants/MSISDN/123456789), and optionally . This HTTP request should support a query string to delete FSP information regarding a specific currency only. To delete a specific currency only, the HTTP request DELETE /participants//?currency=XYZ should be used, where XYZ is the requested currency. Note - The Account Lookup System should verify that it is the Party’s current FSP that is deleting the FSP information.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID
SubId path string #/parameters/SubId

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request GET /participants// (or GET /participants///) is used to find out in which FSP the requested Party, defined by , and optionally , is located (for example, GET /participants/MSISDN/123456789, or GET /participants/BUSINESS/shoecompany/employee1). This HTTP request should support a query string for filtering of currency. To use filtering of currency, the HTTP request GET /participants//?currency=XYZ should be used, where XYZ is the requested currency.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID
SubId path string #/parameters/SubId

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


POST /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}

Tags: participants

The HTTP request POST /participants// (or POST /participants///) is used to create information in the server regarding the provided identity, defined by , , and optionally (for example, POST /participants/MSISDN/123456789 or POST /participants/BUSINESS/shoecompany/employee1).

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID
SubId path string #/parameters/SubId

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}

Tags: participants

The callback PUT /participants// (or PUT /participants///) is used to inform the client of a successful result of the lookup, creation, or deletion of the FSP information related to the Party. If the FSP information is deleted, the fspId element should be empty; otherwise the element should include the FSP information for the Party.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID
SubId path string #/parameters/SubId

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}/error

Tags: participants

If the server is unable to find, create or delete the associated FSP of the provided identity, or another processing error occurred, the error callback PUT /participants///error (or PUT /participants////error) is used.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID
SubId path string #/parameters/SubId

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /parties/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: parties

The HTTP request GET /parties// (or GET /parties///) is used to lookup information regarding the requested Party, defined by , and optionally (for example, GET /parties/MSISDN/123456789, or GET /parties/BUSINESS/shoecompany/employee1).

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}

Tags: parties

The callback PUT /parties// (or PUT /parties///) is used to inform the client of a successful result of the Party information lookup.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}/error

Tags: parties

If the server is unable to find Party information of the provided identity, or another processing error occurred, the error callback PUT /parties///error (or PUT /parties////error) is used.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /parties/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}

Tags: parties

The HTTP request GET /parties// (or GET /parties///) is used to lookup information regarding the requested Party, defined by , and optionally (for example, GET /parties/MSISDN/123456789, or GET /parties/BUSINESS/shoecompany/employee1).

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID
SubId path string #/parameters/SubId

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}

Tags: parties

The callback PUT /parties// (or PUT /parties///) is used to inform the client of a successful result of the Party information lookup.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID
SubId path string #/parameters/SubId

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}/error

Tags: parties

If the server is unable to find Party information of the provided identity, or another processing error occurred, the error callback PUT /parties///error (or PUT /parties////error) is used.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
Type path string #/parameters/Type
ID path string #/parameters/ID
SubId path string #/parameters/SubId

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


POST /quotes

Tags: quotes

The HTTP request POST /quotes is used to request the creation of a quote for the provided financial transaction in the server.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /quotes/{ID}

Tags: quotes

The HTTP request GET /quotes/ is used to get information regarding an earlier created or requested quote. The in the URI should contain the quoteId that was used for the creation of the quote.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /quotes/{ID}

Tags: quotes

The callback PUT /quotes/ is used to inform the client of a requested or created quote. The in the URI should contain the quoteId that was used for the creation of the quote, or the that was used in the GET /quotes/GET /quotes/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /quotes/{ID}/error

Tags: quotes

If the server is unable to find or create a quote, or some other processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /quotes//error is used. The in the URI should contain the quoteId that was used for the creation of the quote, or the that was used in the GET /quotes/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


POST /transactionRequests

Tags: transactionRequests

The HTTP request POST /transactionRequests is used to request the creation of a transaction request for the provided financial transaction in the server.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /transactionRequests/{ID}

Tags: transactionRequests

The HTTP request GET /transactionRequests/ is used to get information regarding an earlier created or requested transaction request. The in the URI should contain the transactionRequestId that was used for the creation of the transaction request.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /transactionRequests/{ID}

Tags: transactionRequests

The callback PUT /transactionRequests/ is used to inform the client of a requested or created transaction request. The in the URI should contain the transactionRequestId that was used for the creation of the transaction request, or the that was used in the GET /transactionRequests/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /transactionRequests/{ID}/error

Tags: transactionRequests

If the server is unable to find or create a transaction request, or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /transactionRequests//error is used. The in the URI should contain the transactionRequestId that was used for the creation of the transaction request, or the that was used in the GET /transactionRequests/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /transactions/{ID}

Tags: transactions

The HTTP request GET /transactions/ is used to get transaction information regarding a financial transaction created earlier. The in the URI should contain the transactionId that was used for the creation of the quote, as the transaction is created as part of another process (the transfer process).

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /transactions/{ID}

Tags: transactions

The callback PUT /transactions/ is used to inform the client of a requested transaction. The in the URI should contain the that was used in the GET /transactions/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /transactions/{ID}/error

Tags: transactions

If the server is unable to find or create a transaction, or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /transactions//error is used. The in the URI should contain the that was used in the GET /transactions/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


POST /transfers

Tags: transfers

The HTTP request POST /transfers is used to request the creation of a transfer for the next ledger, and a financial transaction for the Payee FSP.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


GET /transfers/{ID}

Tags: transfers

The HTTP request GET /transfers/ is used to get information regarding an earlier created or requested transfer. The in the URI should contain the transferId that was used for the creation of the transfer.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string #/parameters/Accept
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


202 Accepted #/responses/Response202


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /transfers/{ID}

Tags: transfers

The callback PUT /transfers/ is used to inform the client of a requested or created transfer. The in the URI should contain the transferId that was used for the creation of the transfer, or the that was used in the GET /transfers/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


PUT /transfers/{ID}/error

Tags: transfers

If the server is unable to find or create a transfer, or another processing error occurs, the error callback PUT /transfers//error is used. The in the URI should contain the transferId that was used for the creation of the transfer, or the that was used in the GET /transfers/.

Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
ID path string #/parameters/ID

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer #/parameters/Content-Length

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string #/parameters/Content-Type

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string #/parameters/Date

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string #/parameters/X-Forwarded-For

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Source

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-URI

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string #/parameters/FSPIOP-HTTP-Method


200 OK #/responses/Response200


400 Bad Request #/responses/ErrorResponse400

Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

401 Unauthorized #/responses/ErrorResponse401

Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

403 Forbidden #/responses/ErrorResponse403

Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

404 Not Found #/responses/ErrorResponse404

Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

405 Method Not Allowed #/responses/ErrorResponse405

Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

406 Not Acceptable #/responses/ErrorResponse406

Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

501 Not Implemented #/responses/ErrorResponse501

Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

503 Service Unavailable #/responses/ErrorResponse503

Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Parameter definitions

Key Name Description Type Data Type Annotation
Accept Accept

The Accept header field indicates the version of the API the client would like the server to use.

header string
Content-Length Content-Length

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body. Note - The API supports a maximum size of 5242880 bytes (5 Megabytes)

header integer
Content-Type Content-Type

The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.

header string
Date Date

The Date header field indicates the date when the request was sent.

header string
X-Forwarded-For X-Forwarded-For

The X-Forwarded-For header field is an unofficially accepted standard used for informational purposes of the originating client IP address, as a request might pass multiple proxies, firewalls, and so on. Multiple X-Forwarded-For values as in the example shown here should be expected and supported by implementers of the API. Note - An alternative to X-Forwarded-For is defined in RFC 7239. However, to this point RFC 7239 is less-used and supported than X-Forwarded-For.

header string

The FSPIOP-Source header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for identifying the sender of the HTTP request. The field should be set by the original sender of the request. Required for routing and signature verification (see header field FSPIOP-Signature).

header string
FSPIOP-Destination FSPIOP-Destination

The FSPIOP-Destination header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for HTTP header based routing of requests and responses to the destination. The field should be set by the original sender of the request (if known), so that any entities between the client and the server do not need to parse the payload for routing purposes.

header string
FSPIOP-Encryption FSPIOP-Encryption

The FSPIOP-Encryption header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying end-to-end encryption of the request.

header string
FSPIOP-Signature FSPIOP-Signature

The FSPIOP-Signature header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for applying an end-to-end request signature.

header string

The FSPIOP-URI header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service URI. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string

The FSPIOP-HTTP-Method header field is a non-HTTP standard field used by the API for signature verification, should contain the service HTTP method. Required if signature verification is used, for more information see API Signature document.

header string
ID ID path string
Type Type path string
SubId SubId path string

Response definitions






Bad Request - The application cannot process the request; for example, due to malformed syntax or the payload exceeded size restrictions.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Unauthorized - The request requires authentication in order to be processed.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Forbidden - The request was denied and will be denied in the future.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Not Found - The resource specified in the URI was not found.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Method Not Allowed - An unsupported HTTP method for the request was used.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Not acceptable - The server is not capable of generating content according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Used in the API to indicate that the server does not support the version that the client is requesting.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Not Implemented - The server does not support the requested service. The client should not retry.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable to accept any new service requests. This should be a temporary state, and the client should retry within a reasonable time frame.

Name Description Data Type

The Content-Length header field indicates the anticipated size of the payload body. Only sent if there is a body.


The Content-Type header indicates the specific version of the API used to send the payload body.


Schema definitions

Amount: string , must match ^([0]|([1-9][0-9]{0,17}))([.][0-9]{0,3}[1-9])?$

The API data type Amount is a JSON String in a canonical format that is restricted by a regular expression for interoperability reasons. This pattern does not allow any trailing zeroes at all, but allows an amount without a minor currency unit. It also only allows four digits in the minor currency unit; a negative value is not allowed. Using more than 18 digits in the major currency unit is not allowed.

AmountType: string , x ∈ { SEND , RECEIVE }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration AmountType - SEND Amount the Payer would like to send, that is, the amount that should be withdrawn from the Payer account including any fees. - RECEIVE Amount the Payer would like the Payee to receive, that is, the amount that should be sent to the receiver exclusive fees.

AuthenticationInfo: object

Data model for the complex type AuthenticationInfo

authentication: AuthenticationType

Type of authentication.

authenticationValue: AuthenticationValue

Authentication value.

AuthenticationType: string , x ∈ { OTP , QRCODE }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration AuthenticationType. - OTP One-time password generated by the Payer FSP. - QRCODE QR code used as One Time Password.

AuthenticationValue: string , must match ^\d{3,10}$|^\S{1,64}$

Contains the authentication value. The format depends on the authentication type used in the AuthenticationInfo complex type.

AuthorizationResponse: string , x ∈ { ENTERED , REJECTED , RESEND }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - ENTERED Consumer entered the authentication value. - REJECTED Consumer rejected the transaction. - RESEND Consumer requested to resend the authentication value.

AuthorizationsIDPutResponse: object

PUT /authorizations/{ID} object

authenticationInfo: AuthenticationInfo

OTP or QR Code if entered, otherwise empty.

responseType: AuthorizationResponse

Enum containing response information; if the customer entered the authentication value, rejected the transaction, or requested a resend of the authentication value.

BalanceOfPayments: string , must match ^[1-9]\d{2}$

(BopCode) The API data type BopCode is a JSON String of 3 characters, consisting of digits only. Negative numbers are not allowed. A leading zero is not allowed.

BinaryString: string , must match ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+[=]{0,2}$

The API data type BinaryString is a JSON String. The string is a base64url encoding of a string of raw bytes, where padding (character ‘=’) is added at the end of the data if needed to ensure that the string is a multiple of 4 characters. The length restriction indicates the allowed number of characters.

BinaryString32: string , must match ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]{43}$

The API data type BinaryString32 is a fixed size version of the API data type BinaryString, where the raw underlying data is always of 32 bytes. The data type BinaryString32 should not use a padding character as the size of the underlying data is fixed.

BulkQuotesIDPutResponse: object

PUT /bulkQuotes/{ID} object

individualQuoteResults: object[]

Fees for each individual transaction, if any of them are charged per transaction.

expiration: DateTime

Date and time until when the quotation is valid and can be honored when used in the subsequent transaction request.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

BulkQuotesPostRequest: object

POST /bulkQuotes object

bulkQuoteId: CorrelationId

Common ID between the FSPs for the bulk quote object, decided by the Payer FSP. The ID should be reused for resends of the same bulk quote. A new ID should be generated for each new bulk quote.

payer: Party

Information about the Payer in the proposed financial transaction.

geoCode: GeoCode

Longitude and Latitude of the initiating Party. Can be used to detect fraud.

expiration: DateTime

Expiration is optional to let the Payee FSP know when a quote no longer needs to be returned.

individualQuotes: object[]

List of quotes elements.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

BulkTransfersIDPutResponse: object

PUT /bulkTransfers/{ID} object

completedTimestamp: DateTime

Time and date when the bulk transaction was completed.

individualTransferResults: object[]

List of IndividualTransferResult elements.

bulkTransferState: BulkTransferState

The state of the bulk transfer.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

BulkTransfersPostRequest: object

POST /bulkTransfers object

bulkTransferId: CorrelationId

Common ID between the FSPs and the optional Switch for the bulk transfer object, decided by the Payer FSP. The ID should be reused for resends of the same bulk transfer. A new ID should be generated for each new bulk transfer.

bulkQuoteId: CorrelationId

ID of the related bulk quote.

payerFsp: FspId

Payer FSP identifier.

payeeFsp: FspId

Payee FSP identifier.

individualTransfers: object[]

List of IndividualTransfer elements.

expiration: DateTime

Expiration time of the transfers.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.


Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - RECEIVED Payee FSP has received the bulk transfer from the Payer FSP. - PENDING Payee FSP has validated the bulk transfer. - ACCEPTED Payee FSP has accepted to process the bulk transfer. - PROCESSING Payee FSP has started to transfer fund to the Payees. - COMPLETED Payee FSP has completed transfer of funds to the Payees. - REJECTED Payee FSP has rejected to process the bulk transfer.

Code: string , must match ^[0-9a-zA-Z]{4,32}$

Any code/token returned by the Payee FSP (TokenCode Type).

CorrelationId: string , must match ^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

Identifier that correlates all messages of the same sequence. The API data type UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a JSON String in canonical format, conforming to RFC 4122, that is restricted by a regular expression for interoperability reasons. An UUID is always 36 characters long, 32 hexadecimal symbols and 4 dashes (‘-‘).

Currency: string , x ∈ { AED , AFN , ALL , AMD , ANG , AOA , ARS , AUD , AWG , AZN , BAM , BBD , BDT , BGN , BHD , BIF , BMD , BND , BOB , BRL , BSD , BTN , BWP , BYN , BZD , CAD , CDF , CHF , CLP , CNY , COP , CRC , CUC , CUP , CVE , CZK , DJF , DKK , DOP , DZD , EGP , ERN , ETB , EUR , FJD , FKP , GBP , GEL , GGP , GHS , GIP , GMD , GNF , GTQ , GYD , HKD , HNL , HRK , HTG , HUF , IDR , ILS , IMP , INR , IQD , IRR , ISK , JEP , JMD , JOD , JPY , KES , KGS , KHR , KMF , KPW , KRW , KWD , KYD , KZT , LAK , LBP , LKR , LRD , LSL , LYD , MAD , MDL , MGA , MKD , MMK , MNT , MOP , MRO , MUR , MVR , MWK , MXN , MYR , MZN , NAD , NGN , NIO , NOK , NPR , NZD , OMR , PAB , PEN , PGK , PHP , PKR , PLN , PYG , QAR , RON , RSD , RUB , RWF , SAR , SBD , SCR , SDG , SEK , SGD , SHP , SLL , SOS , SPL , SRD , STD , SVC , SYP , SZL , THB , TJS , TMT , TND , TOP , TRY , TTD , TVD , TWD , TZS , UAH , UGX , USD , UYU , UZS , VEF , VND , VUV , WST , XAF , XCD , XDR , XOF , XPF , YER , ZAR , ZMW , ZWD } (3 to 3 chars)

The currency codes defined in ISO 4217 as three-letter alphabetic codes are used as the standard naming representation for currencies.

Date: string , must match ^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)$

The API data type Date is a JSON String in a lexical format that is restricted by a regular expression for interoperability reasons. This format, as specified in ISO 8601, contains a date only. A more readable version of the format is yyyy-MM-dd. Examples - "1982-05-23", "1987-08-05”

DateOfBirth: string , must match ^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)$

Date of Birth of the Party.

DateTime: string , must match ^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d(?:(\.\d{3}))(?:Z|[+-][01]\d:[0-5]\d)$

The API data type DateTime is a JSON String in a lexical format that is restricted by a regular expression for interoperability reasons. The format is according to ISO 8601, expressed in a combined date, time and time zone format. A more readable version of the format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS[-HH:MM]. Examples - "2016-05-24T08:38:08.699-04:00", "2016-05-24T08:38:08.699Z" (where Z indicates Zulu time zone, same as UTC).

ErrorCode: string , must match ^[1-9]\d{3}$

The API data type ErrorCode is a JSON String of four characters, consisting of digits only. Negative numbers are not allowed. A leading zero is not allowed. Each error code in the API is a four-digit number, for example, 1234, where the first number (1 in the example) represents the high-level error category, the second number (2 in the example) represents the low-level error category, and the last two numbers (34 in the example) represents the specific error.

ErrorDescription: string (1 to 128 chars)

Error description string.

ErrorInformation: object

Data model for the complex type ErrorInformation.

errorCode: ErrorCode

Specific error number.

errorDescription: ErrorDescription

Error description string.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional list of extensions, specific to deployment.

ErrorInformationObject: object

Data model for the complex type object that contains ErrorInformation.

errorInformation: ErrorInformation

ErrorInformationResponse: object

Data model for the complex type object that contains an optional element ErrorInformation used along with 4xx and 5xx responses.

errorInformation: ErrorInformation

Extension: object

Data model for the complex type Extension

key: ExtensionKey

Extension key.

value: ExtensionValue

Extension value.

ExtensionKey: string (1 to 32 chars)

Extension key.

ExtensionList: object

Data model for the complex type ExtensionList

extension: object[]

Number of Extension elements

ExtensionValue: string (1 to 128 chars)

Extension value.

FirstName: string (1 to 128 chars) , must match ^(?!\s*$)[\w .,'-]{1,128}$

First name of the Party (Name Type).

FspId: string (1 to 32 chars)

FSP identifier.

GeoCode: object

Data model for the complex type GeoCode. Indicates the geographic location from where the transaction was initiated.

latitude: Latitude

Latitude of the Party.

longitude: Longitude

Longitude of the Party.

IlpCondition: string (up to 48 chars) , must match ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]{43}$

Condition that must be attached to the transfer by the Payer.

IlpFulfilment: string (up to 48 chars) , must match ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]{43}$

Fulfilment that must be attached to the transfer by the Payee.

IlpPacket: string (1 to 32768 chars) , must match ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+[=]{0,2}$

Information for recipient (transport layer information).

IndividualQuote: object

Data model for the complex type IndividualQuote.

quoteId: CorrelationId

Identifies quote message.

transactionId: CorrelationId

Identifies transaction message.

payee: Party

Information about the Payee in the proposed financial transaction.

amountType: AmountType

SEND for sendAmount, RECEIVE for receiveAmount.

amount: Money

Depending on amountType - If SEND - The amount the Payer would like to send, that is, the amount that should be withdrawn from the Payer account including any fees. The amount is updated by each participating entity in the transaction. If RECEIVE - The amount the Payee should receive, that is, the amount that should be sent to the receiver exclusive any fees. The amount is not updated by any of the participating entities.

fees: Money

The fees in the transaction. The fees element should be empty if fees should be non-disclosed. The fees element should be non-empty if fees should be disclosed.

transactionType: TransactionType

Type of transaction that the quote is requested for.

note: Note

Memo that will be attached to the transaction.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

IndividualQuoteResult: object

Data model for the complex type IndividualQuoteResult.

quoteId: CorrelationId

Identifies quote message.

payee: Party

Information about the Payee in the proposed financial transaction.

transferAmount: Money

The amount of Money that the Payer FSP should transfer to the Payee FSP.

payeeReceiveAmount: Money

Amount that the Payee should receive in the end-to-end transaction. Optional as the Payee FSP might not want to disclose any optional Payee fees.

payeeFspFee: Money

Payee FSP’s part of the transaction fee.

payeeFspCommission: Money

Transaction commission from the Payee FSP

ilpPacket: IlpPacket

The ILP Packet that must be attached to the transfer by the Payer.

condition: IlpCondition

The condition that must be attached to the transfer by the Payer.

errorInformation: ErrorInformation

Error code, category description. Note - payee, transferAmount, payeeReceiveAmount, payeeFspFee, payeeFspCommission, ilpPacket, and condition should not be set if errorInformation is set.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

IndividualTransfer: object

Data model for the complex type IndividualTransfer.

transferId: CorrelationId

Identifies messages related to the same /transfers sequence.

transferAmount: Money

Transaction amount to be sent.

ilpPacket: IlpPacket

ILP Packet containing the amount delivered to the Payee and the ILP Address of the Payee and any other end-to-end data.

condition: IlpCondition

Condition that must be fulfilled to commit the transfer.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

IndividualTransferResult: object

Data model for the complex type IndividualTransferResult.

transferId: CorrelationId

Identifies messages related to the same /transfers sequence.

fulfilment: IlpFulfilment

Fulfilment of the condition specified with the transaction. Note - Either fulfilment or errorInformation should be set, not both.

errorInformation: ErrorInformation

If transfer is REJECTED, error information may be provided. Note - Either fulfilment or errorInformation should be set, not both.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

Integer: string , must match ^[1-9]\d*$

The API data type Integer is a JSON String consisting of digits only. Negative numbers and leading zeroes are not allowed. The data type is always limited to a specific number of digits.

LastName: string (1 to 128 chars) , must match ^(?!\s*$)[\w .,'-]{1,128}$

Last name of the Party (Name Type).

Latitude: string , must match ^(\+|-)?(?:90(?:(?:\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-8][0-9])(?:(?:\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$

The API data type Latitude is a JSON String in a lexical format that is restricted by a regular expression for interoperability reasons.

Longitude: string , must match ^(\+|-)?(?:180(?:(?:\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])(?:(?:\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$

The API data type Longitude is a JSON String in a lexical format that is restricted by a regular expression for interoperability reasons.

MerchantClassificationCode: string , must match ^[\d]{1,4}$

A limited set of pre-defined numbers. This list would be a limited set of numbers identifying a set of popular merchant types like School Fees, Pubs and Restaurants, Groceries, etc.

MiddleName: string (1 to 128 chars) , must match ^(?!\s*$)[\w .,'-]{1,128}$

Middle name of the Party (Name Type).

Money: object

Data model for the complex type Money.

currency: Currency

Currency of the amount.

amount: Amount

Amount of Money.

Name: string , must match ^(?!\s*$)[\w .,'-]{1,128}$

The API data type Name is a JSON String, restricted by a regular expression to avoid characters which are generally not used in a name. Regular Expression - The regular expression for restricting the Name type is "^(?!\s*$)[\w .,'-]{1,128};. The restriction does not allow a string consisting of whitespace only, all Unicode characters are allowed, as well as the period (.) (apostrophe (‘), dash (-), comma (,) and space characters ( ). Note - In some programming languages, Unicode support must be specifically enabled. For example, if Java is used the flag UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS must be enabled to allow Unicode characters.

Note: string (1 to 128 chars)

Memo assigned to transaction

OtpValue: string , must match ^\d{3,10}$

The API data type OtpValue is a JSON String of 3 to 10 characters, consisting of digits only. Negative numbers are not allowed. One or more leading zeros are allowed.

ParticipantsIDPutResponse: object

PUT /participants/{ID} object

partyList: object[]

List of PartyResult elements that were either created or failed to be created.

currency: Currency

Indicate that the provided Currency was set to be supported by each successfully added PartyIdInfo.

ParticipantsPostRequest: object

POST /participants object

requestId: CorrelationId

The ID of the request, decided by the client. Used for identification of the callback from the server.

partyList: object[]

List of PartyIdInfo elements that the client would like to update or create FSP information about.

currency: Currency

Indicate that the provided Currency is supported by each PartyIdInfo in the list.

ParticipantsTypeIDPutResponse: object

PUT /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}, /participants/{Type}/{ID} object

fspId: FspId

FSP Identifier that the Party belongs to.

ParticipantsTypeIDSubIDPostRequest: object

POST /participants/{Type}/{ID}/{SubId}, /participants/{Type}/{ID} object

fspId: FspId

FSP Identifier that the Party belongs to.

currency: Currency

Indicate that the provided Currency is supported by the Party.

PartiesTypeIDPutResponse: object

PUT /parties/{Type}/{ID} object

party: Party

Information regarding the requested Party.

Party: object

Data model for the complex type Party.

partyIdInfo: PartyIdInfo

Party Id type, id, sub ID or type, and FSP Id.

merchantClassificationCode: MerchantClassificationCode

Used in the context of Payee Information, where the Payee happens to be a merchant accepting merchant payments.

name: PartyName

Display name of the Party, could be a real name or a nick name.

personalInfo: PartyPersonalInfo

Personal information used to verify identity of Party such as first, middle, last name and date of birth.

PartyComplexName: object

Data model for the complex type PartyComplexName.

firstName: FirstName

Party’s first name.

middleName: MiddleName

Party’s middle name.

lastName: LastName

Party’s last name.

PartyIdentifier: string (1 to 128 chars)

Identifier of the Party.

PartyIdInfo: object

Data model for the complex type PartyIdInfo.

partyIdType: PartyIdType

Type of the identifier.

partyIdentifier: PartyIdentifier

An identifier for the Party.

partySubIdOrType: PartySubIdOrType

A sub-identifier or sub-type for the Party.

fspId: FspId

FSP ID (if known)


Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - MSISDN An MSISDN (Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number, that is, the phone number) is used as reference to a participant. The MSISDN identifier should be in international format according to the ITU-T E.164 standard. Optionally, the MSISDN may be prefixed by a single plus sign, indicating the international prefix. - EMAIL An email is used as reference to a participant. The format of the email should be according to the informational RFC 3696. - PERSONAL_ID A personal identifier is used as reference to a participant. Examples of personal identification are passport number, birth certificate number, and national registration number. The identifier number is added in the PartyIdentifier element. The personal identifier type is added in the PartySubIdOrType element. - BUSINESS A specific Business (for example, an organization or a company) is used as reference to a participant. The BUSINESS identifier can be in any format. To make a transaction connected to a specific username or bill number in a Business, the PartySubIdOrType element should be used. - DEVICE A specific device (for example, a POS or ATM) ID connected to a specific business or organization is used as reference to a Party. For referencing a specific device under a specific business or organization, use the PartySubIdOrType element. - ACCOUNT_ID A bank account number or FSP account ID should be used as reference to a participant. The ACCOUNT_ID identifier can be in any format, as formats can greatly differ depending on country and FSP. - IBAN A bank account number or FSP account ID is used as reference to a participant. The IBAN identifier can consist of up to 34 alphanumeric characters and should be entered without whitespace. - ALIAS An alias is used as reference to a participant. The alias should be created in the FSP as an alternative reference to an account owner. Another example of an alias is a username in the FSP system. The ALIAS identifier can be in any format. It is also possible to use the PartySubIdOrType element for identifying an account under an Alias defined by the PartyIdentifier.

PartyName: string (1 to 128 chars)

Name of the Party. Could be a real name or a nickname.

PartyPersonalInfo: object

Data model for the complex type PartyPersonalInfo.

complexName: PartyComplexName

First, middle and last name for the Party.

dateOfBirth: DateOfBirth

Date of birth for the Party.

PartyResult: object

Data model for the complex type PartyResult.

partyId: PartyIdInfo

Party Id type, id, sub ID or type, and FSP Id.

errorInformation: ErrorInformation

If the Party failed to be added, error information should be provided. Otherwise, this parameter should be empty to indicate success.

PartySubIdOrType: string (1 to 128 chars)

Either a sub-identifier of a PartyIdentifier, or a sub-type of the PartyIdType, normally a PersonalIdentifierType.


Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - PASSPORT A passport number is used as reference to a Party. - NATIONAL_REGISTRATION A national registration number is used as reference to a Party. - DRIVING_LICENSE A driving license is used as reference to a Party. - ALIEN_REGISTRATION An alien registration number is used as reference to a Party. - NATIONAL_ID_CARD A national ID card number is used as reference to a Party. - EMPLOYER_ID A tax identification number is used as reference to a Party. - TAX_ID_NUMBER A tax identification number is used as reference to a Party. - SENIOR_CITIZENS_CARD A senior citizens card number is used as reference to a Party. - MARRIAGE_CERTIFICATE A marriage certificate number is used as reference to a Party. - HEALTH_CARD A health card number is used as reference to a Party. - VOTERS_ID A voter’s identification number is used as reference to a Party. - UNITED_NATIONS An UN (United Nations) number is used as reference to a Party. - OTHER_ID Any other type of identification type number is used as reference to a Party.

QRCODE: string (1 to 64 chars)

QR code used as One Time Password.

QuotesIDPutResponse: object

PUT /quotes/{ID} object

transferAmount: Money

The amount of Money that the Payer FSP should transfer to the Payee FSP.

payeeReceiveAmount: Money

The amount of Money that the Payee should receive in the end-to-end transaction. Optional as the Payee FSP might not want to disclose any optional Payee fees.

payeeFspFee: Money

Payee FSP’s part of the transaction fee.

payeeFspCommission: Money

Transaction commission from the Payee FSP.

expiration: DateTime

Date and time until when the quotation is valid and can be honored when used in the subsequent transaction.

geoCode: GeoCode

Longitude and Latitude of the Payee. Can be used to detect fraud.

ilpPacket: IlpPacket

The ILP Packet that must be attached to the transfer by the Payer.

condition: IlpCondition

The condition that must be attached to the transfer by the Payer.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

QuotesPostRequest: object

POST /quotes object

quoteId: CorrelationId

Common ID between the FSPs for the quote object, decided by the Payer FSP. The ID should be reused for resends of the same quote for a transaction. A new ID should be generated for each new quote for a transaction.

transactionId: CorrelationId

Common ID (decided by the Payer FSP) between the FSPs for the future transaction object. The actual transaction will be created as part of a successful transfer process. The ID should be reused for resends of the same quote for a transaction. A new ID should be generated for each new quote for a transaction.

transactionRequestId: CorrelationId

Identifies an optional previously-sent transaction request.

payee: Party

Information about the Payee in the proposed financial transaction.

payer: Party

Information about the Payer in the proposed financial transaction.

amountType: AmountType

SEND for send amount, RECEIVE for receive amount.

amount: Money

Depending on amountType. If SEND - The amount the Payer would like to send, that is, the amount that should be withdrawn from the Payer account including any fees. The amount is updated by each participating entity in the transaction. If RECEIVE - The amount the Payee should receive, that is, the amount that should be sent to the receiver exclusive any fees. The amount is not updated by any of the participating entities.

fees: Money

The fees in the transaction. The fees element should be empty if fees should be non-disclosed. The fees element should be non-empty if fees should be disclosed.

transactionType: TransactionType

Type of transaction for which the quote is requested.

geoCode: GeoCode

Longitude and Latitude of the initiating Party. Can be used to detect fraud.

note: Note

A memo that will be attached to the transaction.

expiration: DateTime

Expiration is optional. It can be set to get a quick failure in case the peer FSP takes too long to respond. Also, it may be beneficial for Consumer, Agent, and Merchant to know that their request has a time limit.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

Refund: object

Data model for the complex type Refund.

originalTransactionId: CorrelationId

Reference to the original transaction ID that is requested to be refunded.

refundReason: RefundReason

Free text indicating the reason for the refund.

RefundReason: string (1 to 128 chars)

Reason for the refund.

TokenCode: string , must match ^[0-9a-zA-Z]{4,32}$

The API data type TokenCode is a JSON String between 4 and 32 characters, consisting of digits or upper or lowercase characters from a to z.

Transaction: object

Data model for the complex type Transaction. The Transaction type is used to carry end-to-end data between the Payer FSP and the Payee FSP in the ILP Packet. Both the transactionId and the quoteId in the data model are decided by the Payer FSP in the POST /quotes.

transactionId: CorrelationId

ID of the transaction, the ID is decided by the Payer FSP during the creation of the quote.

quoteId: CorrelationId

ID of the quote, the ID is decided by the Payer FSP during the creation of the quote.

payee: Party

Information about the Payee in the proposed financial transaction.

payer: Party

Information about the Payer in the proposed financial transaction.

amount: Money

Transaction amount to be sent.

transactionType: TransactionType

Type of the transaction.

note: Note

Memo associated to the transaction, intended to the Payee.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

TransactionInitiator: string , x ∈ { PAYER , PAYEE }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - PAYER Sender of funds is initiating the transaction. The account to send from is either owned by the Payer or is connected to the Payer in some way. - PAYEE Recipient of the funds is initiating the transaction by sending a transaction request. The Payer must approve the transaction, either automatically by a pre-generated OTP or by pre-approval of the Payee, or by manually approving in his or her own Device.

TransactionInitiatorType: string , x ∈ { CONSUMER , AGENT , BUSINESS , DEVICE }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - CONSUMER Consumer is the initiator of the transaction. - AGENT Agent is the initiator of the transaction. - BUSINESS Business is the initiator of the transaction. - DEVICE Device is the initiator of the transaction.

TransactionRequestsIDPutResponse: object

PUT /transactionRequests/{ID} object

transactionId: CorrelationId

Identifies a related transaction (if a transaction has been created).

transactionRequestState: TransactionRequestState

State of the transaction request.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

TransactionRequestsPostRequest: object

POST /transactionRequests object

transactionRequestId: CorrelationId

Common ID between the FSPs for the transaction request object, decided by the Payee FSP. The ID should be reused for resends of the same transaction request. A new ID should be generated for each new transaction request.

payee: Party

Information about the Payee in the proposed financial transaction.

payer: PartyIdInfo

Information about the Payer type, id, sub-type/id, FSP Id in the proposed financial transaction.

amount: Money

Requested amount to be transferred from the Payer to Payee.

transactionType: TransactionType

Type of transaction.

note: Note

Reason for the transaction request, intended to the Payer.

geoCode: GeoCode

Longitude and Latitude of the initiating Party. Can be used to detect fraud.

authenticationType: AuthenticationType

OTP or QR Code, otherwise empty.

expiration: DateTime

Can be set to get a quick failure in case the peer FSP takes too long to respond. Also, it may be beneficial for Consumer, Agent, Merchant to know that their request has a time limit.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

TransactionRequestState: string , x ∈ { RECEIVED , PENDING , ACCEPTED , REJECTED }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - RECEIVED Payer FSP has received the transaction from the Payee FSP. - PENDING Payer FSP has sent the transaction request to the Payer. - ACCEPTED Payer has approved the transaction. - REJECTED Payer has rejected the transaction.

TransactionScenario: string , x ∈ { DEPOSIT , WITHDRAWAL , TRANSFER , PAYMENT , REFUND }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - DEPOSIT Used for performing a Cash-In (deposit) transaction. In a normal scenario, electronic funds are transferred from a Business account to a Consumer account, and physical cash is given from the Consumer to the Business User. - WITHDRAWAL Used for performing a Cash-Out (withdrawal) transaction. In a normal scenario, electronic funds are transferred from a Consumer’s account to a Business account, and physical cash is given from the Business User to the Consumer. - TRANSFER Used for performing a P2P (Peer to Peer, or Consumer to Consumer) transaction. - PAYMENT Usually used for performing a transaction from a Consumer to a Merchant or Organization, but could also be for a B2B (Business to Business) payment. The transaction could be online for a purchase in an Internet store, in a physical store where both the Consumer and Business User are present, a bill payment, a donation, and so on. - REFUND Used for performing a refund of transaction.

TransactionsIDPutResponse: object

PUT /transactions/{ID} object

completedTimestamp: DateTime

Time and date when the transaction was completed.

transactionState: TransactionState

State of the transaction.

code: Code

Optional redemption information provided to Payer after transaction has been completed.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

TransactionState: string , x ∈ { RECEIVED , PENDING , COMPLETED , REJECTED }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - RECEIVED Payee FSP has received the transaction from the Payer FSP. - PENDING Payee FSP has validated the transaction. - COMPLETED Payee FSP has successfully performed the transaction. - REJECTED Payee FSP has failed to perform the transaction.

TransactionSubScenario: string , must match ^[A-Z_]{1,32}$

Possible sub-scenario, defined locally within the scheme (UndefinedEnum Type).

TransactionType: object

Data model for the complex type TransactionType.

scenario: TransactionScenario

Deposit, withdrawal, refund, …

subScenario: TransactionSubScenario

Possible sub-scenario, defined locally within the scheme.

initiator: TransactionInitiator

Who is initiating the transaction - Payer or Payee

initiatorType: TransactionInitiatorType

Consumer, agent, business, …

refundInfo: Refund

Extra information specific to a refund scenario. Should only be populated if scenario is REFUND

balanceOfPayments: BalanceOfPayments

Balance of Payments code.

TransfersIDPutResponse: object

PUT /transfers/{ID} object

fulfilment: IlpFulfilment

Fulfilment of the condition specified with the transaction. Mandatory if transfer has completed successfully.

completedTimestamp: DateTime

Time and date when the transaction was completed.

transferState: TransferState

State of the transfer.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

TransfersPostRequest: object

POST /transfers Request object

transferId: CorrelationId

The common ID between the FSPs and the optional Switch for the transfer object, decided by the Payer FSP. The ID should be reused for resends of the same transfer. A new ID should be generated for each new transfer.

payeeFsp: FspId

Payee FSP in the proposed financial transaction.

payerFsp: FspId

Payer FSP in the proposed financial transaction.

amount: Money

The transfer amount to be sent.

ilpPacket: IlpPacket

The ILP Packet containing the amount delivered to the Payee and the ILP Address of the Payee and any other end-to-end data.

condition: IlpCondition

The condition that must be fulfilled to commit the transfer.

expiration: DateTime

Expiration can be set to get a quick failure expiration of the transfer. The transfer should be rolled back if no fulfilment is delivered before this time.

extensionList: ExtensionList

Optional extension, specific to deployment.

TransferState: string , x ∈ { RECEIVED , RESERVED , COMMITTED , ABORTED }

Below are the allowed values for the enumeration - RECEIVED Next ledger has received the transfer. - RESERVED Next ledger has reserved the transfer. - COMMITTED Next ledger has successfully performed the transfer. - ABORTED Next ledger has aborted the transfer due a rejection or failure to perform the transfer.

UndefinedEnum: string , must match ^[A-Z_]{1,32}$

The API data type UndefinedEnum is a JSON String consisting of 1 to 32 uppercase characters including an underscore character (_).

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    No results matching ""