API Documentation
All APIs should be documented in RAML or Swagger, see Architecture-Documentation-Guidelines](Architecture-Documentation-Guidelines.md)
Section Headings
- Do not number headings - for example, "Prepare and Fulfill", not "C - Prepare and Fulfill"
- Make sure section headings (# ) match the heading to which they correspond in the comprehensive PDF (built from the dactyl config file)
- Do not include the word "documentation" in headings
- For sections that contain many subsections of endpoints or methods, provide a table of contents at the beginning of the section
- Don't say the word project; use component, microservice, interfaces, etc
Instead of the word "project," use a specific noun such as component, microservice, or interface.
- Introduce procedures with H3 (###) or H4 (####) headers (not H2 (##)).
- Do not use numbers in procedure section headings.
- Use ordered-list tagging for procedure steps. For example:
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 2